"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17
So Derric and I went to the doctor today for my 37 week visit, Hank is now considered full term. It is always exciting to go each week at this point to learn when the doctor thinks Hank may make his debut! She told us at 35 weeks, any day now.... When she said this she means she thinks he is healthy enough to come anyday now, not that she thinks it will be tonight! That was such a hard concept for me to wrap my head around because.... you have NO CONTROL. I want him to be a healthy baby boy and come when he is good and ready but we are so excited to meet him we hope he comes sometime soon. We have so much to be thankful for, I have had a very healthy pregnancy up to this point, sure my body has changed like lots of new mama's do, and my feet are as large as elephants feet (but my husband still kisses them and tells me how much he appreciates all that I have sacrificed for the baby).... he feels so bad for me when I have to wake up to go to the bathroom 9 times in the middle of the night, and gives me a back rub when I have shooting pain. All of this I would do again in a heartbeat for little Hank. We are so excited to me our Sweet Baby Boy....any day now!
I know all kinds of home remedies that seem to work really well! Sex, eating a TON of pineapple, walking a LOT more than you normally do, especially walking up a lot of stairs, eating basil and parsley, and doing squats. I know, I know, not a lot of that is something you really feel like doing when you're 9 months pregnant and can't even see your feet, but once that time comes that you just want Hank OUT, well, remember all that! :)
This was the hardest time for me...the last weeks and days waiting for him to come out!! If I can offer you any advice it would be to not get caught up with your due date...Caedmon was 9 days late and those were the worst 9 days of my life!! Hang in there and he'll be here soon!
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